Littleham Village Hall & Range Field is a registered charity operated by Trustees who are Sarah Conybeer, Sarah David Edwards, Karen Edwards and Janet Smith.
Other Village Hall Committee members are Tony Brend, Beth Kirby, Sue Nichols, Ann Angelinetta, Andy Longstaff, Shauna Palmer, Eric Palmer and Mike Bridges.
For information relating to the Village Hall, please contact the Chair, Andy Longstaff, on 07936 991388 or the secretary Janet on 01237 424102, for bookings Eric Palmer 07434 743265
The Hall offers excellent facilities, which have recently been enhanced with improvements to the skittle alley roof and the installation of exciting new play equipment on the playing field. We are very grateful for the financial support in these ventures from Torridge District Council, Devon County Council and the Tap Fund for the roof improvements and the Big Lottery and Grantscape for the playing field. In addition, the community has generously supported both projects.
Please come and support the activities held at the Village Hall, you will be made very welcome and we look forward to seeing you.
The Village Fete is held on the first Saturday of July, and the hotly contested Village Garden and Craft Show is held on the third Saturday in August.
There are regular groups which meet at the hall and many of these are open to new members.
The Film and Social Club usually meets on the first Saturday evening of the month, Friday Club on the last Friday afternoon of the month, Little Stitches Patchwork group on the third Saturday of the month and the Art Group on the final Wednesday of the summer months.
More regular meetings include Men's Skittles on Monday evenings and Renata's Keep Fit on Thursday mornings, Stitch and Create on every other Tuesday afternoon and Ladies' Skittles every other Tuesday evening.
The Church and Parish Council also hold meetings in the hall.
Many of these groups have their own website page or their events will be posted on the website diary